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Hugs and Slugs: The Solstice is almost upon us

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Hugs: Huge hugs to the kind hearted gentleman in the Walmart line ahead of me. He made an elderly lady's day and brought her to tears by paying for her bouquet of flowers. He then paid for half of my grocery order! What thoughtful and generous gestures! You made two ladies very happy! Thank you so much!

Hugs: Thank you Charlie Wales for the very well written and informative letter opposing the use of Gyro Park as a location for the proposed daycare.

Hugs and Slugs: First off I would like to thank those responsible dog owners that frequent Moir Park and follow the bylaws and posted signs as to where and how to walk your dogs in the Park. They understand what keeping their dogs under control AND on leash in the park area means. That said, I am sick and tired of those people that think the bylaws do not apply to them and their dogs. I have reminded people of the posted signs numerous times and get a variety or responses from pure ignorance to nasty. I have also pointed out the beautiful off-leash area, that our taxes have provided. This too falls on deaf ears. My wife has been bitten by dogs and is deathly afraid of them. We have had numerous off-leash dogs charge at us being "friendly". Big Slug to our Bylaw person for not taking an interest in doing a few visits to Moir Park to remind these scofflaws.

Slugs: I would like to send a big juicy slug to the local law enforcement officials who are not out there setting a good example by actually STOPPING at stop signs. Rolling through stop signs is a very dangerous habit. If they were supposed to be slow down signs they would say slow down, not STOP.

Hugs: A message from my dog, Rrruff ruff ruff woof woof (Awooh Awooh) ruff ruff arf arf. Translation: Thank you Leslie Long Rescue. Now I have a tiny little sister. (Here I am) Yup that's her behind me.

Slugs: To the city for taking away our green space at Gyro Park. Once it's gone, it's gone forever. 

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